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IN THE Media

Gayle M. GruenbergCPO-CD®, CVOP™


Besides organizing (and dancing and reading and animals and travel!), I love to teach.

Sharing knowledge and information, creating the “Aha!” moment and seeing the light in your eyes when you learn something new, instilling confidence, motivating and inspiring you to grow and change – that’s unbeatable.

You can experience that love through my books, articles, videos, and more… 


Do you want to get organized but have a limited budget?  Are you a highly motivated do-it-yourself type? I wrote this book just for you!

Get the Big O… ORGANIZED! 7 Steps to Achieving Calm, Clarity, and Control in Your Space, Mind – and Life!

Through an easy 7-step process and interactive worksheets in each chapter, you’ll 

  • Discover your big WHY for wanting to get organized
  • Identify the core values, strengths, and talents you need to create systems that will finally work for your unique brain
  • Get your organizing projects done

It’s almost like having me there with you!


I’m passionate about sharing information on Chronic Disorganization.  Radio and podcasts are a great way to get the word out and let people living with conditions like ADHD, depression, anxiety, and traumatic brain injury know that there are people out there who can help.

Just a few of the radio shows and podcasts I’ve been featured on:

Chronic Disorganization

Mastering Your Financial Life with Judy Heft

Let’s Get Organized with Gayle Gruenberg

Organizing for Divorce

Min-terview with Gayle Gruenberg, CPO-CD

The Bold Entrepreneur with Devin Roscillo

The Benefits of Having an Organized Home Office and Life

Bringing Jewish Spirituality into a Home Organizing Business

Latest Podcast:

Close Up Radio Spotlights Gayle Gruenberg of Let’s Get Organized

Living an ordered life with Gayle Gruenburg

Build a healthy, more profitable business

68. Let's Get Organized with Gayle Gruenberg

Renee Loves Ironing

In this Episode of the Renee Loves Ironing Podcast, Gayle will share more about her gifts, her company and the role ironing and looking your best can do to help people with their day-to-day lives in more ways than one!

Rebelpreneur Radio

How to Get Organized for Your Best Life and Work Balance


Do you learn best by watching and listening, then doing? Then you’ll love my interactive course/digital workbook!  Based on my Big O book, you go through each self-guided module (introduction to the topic, demo video, and reflective exercises) at your own pace, with the opportunity to get one-on-one coaching from me!  


Workshops & webinars. Keynotes. Lunch & Learns. If your company, group, or organization needs a speaker, I’m your woman.  My talks are interactive, engaging, and fun! 

Just a few topics:

  • Get the Big O… ORGANIZED!
  • What the Heck is Chronic Disorganization?
  • ADHD and Disorganization
  • Tips for an Organized Move
  • Is Clutter Killing Your Sex Life?