Hi, my name is olivia
The phone rang. The caller said, “Hi. My name is Olivia. I really need to get organized, but I’m so overwhelmed, and I can’t do it alone!”
I said, “Thanks for calling, Olivia. I know we can help you.”
We talked for a while, and Olivia told me about herself. She was in her mid-40s, was married to a successful business owner, and had two teenage sons. She also told me she had a few brain-based challenges, including OCD, possibly ADHD, and dyslexia.
a bond is formed
Olivia scheduled an organizing session. Her first priority was to organize the medical bills and paperwork on her dining room table. Her husband was getting on her case about not being able to host a dinner party for his clients.
Over a few sessions, we sorted all of the paperwork, paid any outstanding bills, submitted insurance reimbursement claims, and filed everything away.
Olivia and I have been working together nearly ten years. Since that first session, we have organized every part of her home and her life.
We have created a streamlined file system, sorted through decades of family photos, organized and reorganized closets as her sons grew and she and her husband changed sizes. We have gathered and filed medical records, receipts for myriad home renovations, and samples of pool tile. We have worked together through Olivia’s sons’ graduating high school and college, several of her health challenges, evaluating new career choices for Olivia, and my divorce.
keep up the good work
Now we are on a maintenance plan, using and updating the systems we created as Olivia’s family’s needs change over time. When I arrive at our session every other week, the very first thing we do is address the piles of mail. I sort it all out, toss the junk, gather the magazines and catalogs, and open all of the bills. We process each category one at a time until everything has been acted on, and I file everything away.
Then we move on to another organizing project around the house. On any day, it could include giving the dog a bath, weeding out a closet, putting up or taking down the Christmas tree, power washing the house, or cleaning out the file cabinet.
Olivia no longer feels overwhelmed. She says that I am her secret weapon, keeping her on task, productive, and organized. What Olivia may not know is, although she changed her life by getting organized, she has also changed mine. To me, Olivia is not just a client, she is definitely a friend, an advisor, and a mentor.
Happy anniversary, Olivia!
Gayle M. Gruenberg
Gayle M. Gruenberg, CPO-CD® is the Chief Executive Organizer of Let’s Get Organized, LLC, an award-winning professional organizing firm based in Bergen County, New Jersey. Gayle is the creator of the Make Space for Blessings™ system. LGO works with busy families to help them find more time, space, money, and energy and connect their lives to their core values through being organized.